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This page provides a list of the various documents developed by the ARC including policies, procedures, reports and public education materials.  

Information to Assist with Permit Reporting


2022 Rouge River Water Quality Assessment Final Report December 2022
2022-2023 ARC Rouge River Collaborative PEP Progress Report March 2024
2022-2023 ARC Rouge River Collaborative PPP Progress Report March 2024
2022-2023 ARC Rouge River Collaborative IDEP Progress Report March 2024
2023 ARC Executive Director's Annual Report March 2024
2022 ARC Public Awareness Survey Results Report March 2023
2024 ARC IDEP Investigation Work Plan March 2024
2023 ECT (Wayne & Oakland County) IDEP Summary Report March 2024
2023 Wayne County IDEP Summary Report March 2024
2023 Oakland County IDEP Summary Report March 2024
2022-2023 Oakland County Phase II Stormwater Biennial Progress Report Summary for Community Use March 2024
Collaborative IDEP (Submitted to EGLE) March 2023
Collaborative PEP (Submitted to EGLE) March 2023
Collaborative PPP (Submitted to EGLE) March 2023
Collaborative TMDL (Submitted to EGLE) March 2023
2018-2019 ARC Rouge River Collaborative PEP Progress Report(Submitted to EGLE) March 2020
2018-2019 ARC Rouge River Collaborative IDEP Progress Report(Submitted to EGLE) March 2020
2020-2021 ARC Rouge River Collaborative PEP Progress Report(Submitted to EGLE) March 2022
2020-2021 ARC Rouge River Collaborative PPP Progress Report(Submitted to EGLE) March 2022
2020-2021 ARC Rouge River Collaborative IDEP Progress Report(Submitted to EGLE) March 2022
ARC Annual Reports


2023 Executive Director Annual Report March 2024
2022 Executive Director Annual Report March 2023
2021 Executive Director Annual Report March 2022
2020 Executive Director Annual Report March 2021
2019 Executive Director Annual Report April 2020
2018 Executive Director Annual Report March 2019
2017 Executive Director Annual Report March 2018
2016 Executive Director Annual Report March 2017
2015 Executive Director Annual Report March 2016
2014 Executive Director Annual Report April 2015
2013 Executive Director Annual Report March 2014
2012 Executive Director Annual Report March 2013
2011 Executive Director Annual Report April 2012
2010 Executive Director Annual Report March 2011
2009 Executive Director Annual Report

March 2010

ARC Articles and Ad Graphics


Brine instead of Rock Salt to Protect Water Quality! November 2019
-Brine Ad Graphic November 2019
What Is a Watershed & What Does It Have to Do with Me? November 2019
-Watershed Ad Graphic November 2019
When It Comes to Household Chemicals – Change Is A Good Thing! November 2020
-Chemical Ad Graphic November 2020
Let's All Dispose of Fats, Oils & Grease (FOG) Properly November 2021
-FOG Ad Graphic November 2021
Business Owners – protect water quality inside, outside & under your building! December 2022
-Business BMPs Ad Graphic December 2022
Water Quality Solutions December 2023
-Be the Solution Ad Graphic December 2023
ARC Organizational Documents


Rouge River Watershed Management Plan July 2012
White Paper: Mechanisms for Funding Stormwater Management and ARC Membership beyond 2013 November 2013
ARC IRS 501(c)(3) Designation Letter (effective April 2009) April 2011
ARC Bylaws Adopted by the Full ARC on 11/7/12 Ratified by ARC Membership on 4/13, Revised by Full ARC on 5/19/14 & 3/30/20
ARC Strategic Plan May 2008, revised March 2013
Powerpoint Presentation for members - "Why Join the ARC" October 2009
Act No. 517, Public Acts of 2004 - Watershed Alliance Legislation January 2005
Change of Representative/Alternate Form January 2008
Michigan Open Meetings Act and Freedom of Information Act  
Policies and Procedures


Personnel Policy September 2022
Policy for Persons with Limited English Proficiency April 2021
Vendor Management Policy November 2013 - Revised 9/2022
Ban on Texting While Driving Policy March 2013
Membership Policy November 2012
Pursuit and Acceptance of Grants, Subgrant Eligibility and Grant Management Policy August 2006 - Revised 3/2010, 11/2013, 9/2022
Nondiscrimination in Programs and Activities Policy April 2012
ARC Accounting Procedures Manual September 2010 - revised 10/2013, 3/2020, 9/2022
Officer Appointment Policy September 2010
Record Retention Policy September 2010
Property Management Policy September 2010 - revised 9/2022
Travel Reimbursement Policy September 2010 - revised 9/2022
Timekeeping (Payroll) Policy September 2010 - revised 9/2022
Public Participation Plan May 2008
Conflict of Interest Policy May 2009
County In-kind Contributions Policy December 2007
Nominating Process Policy May 2008
Purchasing Policy September 2008,
Revised 9/2010, 10/2010, 11/2013, 9/2022
Compliance with Open Meetings and Freedom of Information Acts Policy August 2006
Cooperating Partners Policy August 2006
Annual Budget Preparation and Request for Budget Amendments Procedure September 2010
Process for Payment Procedure June 2007
Contract Approval Procedure April 2009
Financial Information


2024 Budget November 2023, Amended 4/16/24, 5/29/24
2023 Budget November 2023
2022 Budget November 2022
ARC Single Audit Report and Financial Statement for the Year end 12/31/20 November 2021
2021 Budget September 2020, Amended 1/25/21, 4/27/21, 11/18/21
2020 Budget November 2019, Amended 3/30/20, 5/26/20, 8/720, 9/24/20
2019 Budget November 2018
2018 Budget November 2017
2017 Budget November 2016
2016 Budget November 2015
2015 Budget November 2014
2014 Budget

November 2013 - Amended 5/19/14
and 11/10/14

2013 Budget November 2012 - Amended 3/28/12, 7/11/13, 11/21/13
2014 Budget Preparation Schedule - (note: dates may vary slightly depending on schedules) July 2013
2012 Budget November 2011 - Amended 4/17/2012, 11/7/12
Audit Requirements August 2006
ARC Independent Auditor's Report and Financial Statement for the Year end 12/31/15 2016
ARC Independent Auditor's Report and Financial Statement for the Year end 12/31/14 2015
ARC Independent Auditor's Report and Financial Statement for the Year end 12/31/13 2014
ARC Independent Auditor's Report and Financial Statement for the Year end 12/31/12 2013
ARC Independent Auditor's Report and Financial Statement for the Year end 12/31/11 2012
ARC Independent Auditor's Report and Financial Statement for the Year end 12/31/10 June 2011
ARC Independent Auditor's Report and Financial Statement for the Year End 12/31/09 September 2010
Rouge River Restoration Summary - Wayne County Rouge River National Wet Weather Demonstration Project 1992 - 2014 December 2014
IDEP Training Attendees March 2016
ARC Comments and Concerns Regarding the Proposed Phase II NPDES Watershed Permit January 2008
SEMCOG Comments on Proposed Stormwater Rulemaking March 2010
Rouge River - 18 Years of Documented Success (WEF Paper) 2009
Congressional Testimony on Nutrients and the Great Lakes May 2008
ARC Position Letter on the Phase II Permit April 2008
Technical Reports and Documents


Rouge River Watershed TMDL Implementation Plan Metrics Report March 2023
2017 Rouge River Ecosystem Monitoring and Assessment Report (RREMAR) November 2018
2017 FOTR Final Report March 2018
Oakland County Phase II Stormwater Biennial Progress Report Summary for Community Use (FY2020-2021) April 2023
2017 Rouge River Collaborative IDEP Progress Report January 2019
2017 IDEP Training Attendance March 2018
2017 Oakland County IDEP Final Report March 2018
2017 Oakland County IDEP Work Plan March 2018
2017 Wayne County IDEP Final Report March 2018
2017 Wayne County IDEP Work Plan March 2018
Comparing Alternative Methods of Assessing Stormwater Fees for Three Example Communities in the Rouge River Watershed September 2018
Rouge River Watershed Ingersol Creek Dissolved Oxygen Assessment Final Report December 2017
Rouge River Watershed Dissolved Oxygen Monitoring Sampling Plan August 2017
Rouge River Watershed TMDL Assessment Monitoring - Quality Assurance Project Plan (Ver. 1.1) July 2017
MDEQ 2015 DO Monitoring April 2017
MDEQ 1992 DO Monitoring April 2017
MDEQ 2014 Ecoli Data Johnson Creek April 2017
2016 IDEP Training Attendance List October 2016
Wayne County 2016 IDEP Work Plan May 2016
2016 Wayne County IDEP Summary March 2017
Oakland County 2016 IDEP Work Plan June 2016
2016 Oakland County IDEP Report January 2017
Wayne County 2015 IDEP Work Plan March 2015
Friends of the Rouge Spring Bug Hunt Report August 2015
Wayne County ARC 2014 IDEP Activities 2014 Summary Report March 2015

Oakland County IDEPWork Plan

March 2015
Wayne County IDEP 2014 Work Plan March 2014
2014 Illicit Discharge Investigations in Oakland County's Portion of the Rouge River Watershed January 2015
Friends of the Rouge 2014 Fall Bug Hunt December 2014
2013 Rouge River Monitoring and Assessment Report May 2014
Rouge River Watershed 5 Year Monitoring Plan - 2009-2013 September 2013
2014 FOTR Spring Bug Hunt Report May 2014
Rouge River Monitoring for E. coli TMDL Implementation Final Report - funded through MDEQ CMI Clean Water Fund December 2013
2014 FOTR Stonefly Search Report February 2014
Illicit Discharge Investigation of the US-16, Law and Fracassi Drains in Oakland County January 2014
2013 Frog & Toad Survey Results January 2014
Regional IDEP Training Plan February 2013
Rouge River Watershed Management Plan July 2012
2013 Friends of the Rouge Fall Bug Hunt Report December 2013
2012 Rouge Project Progress Report - prepared by Wayne County March 2013
2012 Rouge River Ecosystem Monitoring and Assessment Report (RREMAR) August 2013
2013 Spring Bug Hunt Report July 2013
2013 Stonefly Search Report February 2013
Swimming Pool NPDES Permit Summary July 2012
IDEP Training Slideshow 2012
Outline of New MS4 Stormwater Permit Application January 2013
Draft Illicit Connection Elimination Whitepaper November 2012
2012 City of Farmington Hills Illicit Connection Source Identification Final Report December 2012
2011 Rouge River Ecosystem Monitoring and Assessment Report (RREMAR) September 2012
Rouge 2011 Progress Report Executive Summary and Full Report August 2012
Upper Rouge Delisting Strategy May 2012
QAPP for Monitoring to Support E. Coli TMDL Implementation March 2012
2011 Farmington Hills Illicit Connection Source Identification Final Report March 2012
Pebble Creek and Southfield Analytical data results March 2012
Illicit Connection Load Calculator March 2012
2010 Rouge River Ecosystem Monitoring and Assessment Report (RREMAR) November 2011
Rouge River AOC BUI Delisting Strategy Report April 2011 - Revised May 2012
DWSD’s CSO Long-term Control Plan and the modified Rouge E. coli TMDL February 2011
2012 FOTR Stonefly Search Report January 2012
2012 FOTR Spring Bug Hunt April 2012
2011 FOTR Spring Bug Hunt July 2011
2011 Stonefly Search Report March 2011
2010 FOTR Winter Stonefly Search Report March 2010
2010 Frog and Toad Survey Report April 2011
2010 Annual Report Benthic Macroinvertebrate Monitoring Program April 2011
2010 FOTR Spring Bug Hunt Final Report April 2011
2010 FOTR Fall Bug Hunt Final Report April 2011
Public Education Products


Map of new ARC Ours to Protect Road Signs (installed in 2022/2023) March 2024
2023 ARC Banner Report March 2024
2023 ARC Promoted & Hosted Workshop-volunteer Report Report March 2024
2023 ARC Electronic Media Report March 2024
2023 ARC PIE Material Distribution Report March 2024
2023 Great Lakes Restoration Celebration book September 2023
2022 ARC Public Awareness Survey Results Report March 2023
2022 ARC PIE Material Distribution Report March 2023
2022 Poster Banner Report March 2023
2022 ARC Electronic Media Report March 2023
2022 Promoted & Hosted Workshop-Volunteer Report March 2023
2021 ARC PIE Material Distribution Report March 2022
2021 Poster Banner Report March 2022
2020 Poster Banner Report March 2021
2021 Electronic Media Report March 2022
2020 Electronic Media Report March 2021
2021 Promoted & Hosted Workshop-Volunteer Report March 2022
2020 Promoted & Hosted Workshop-Volunteer Report March 2021
2019 Great Lakes Restoration Celebration book October 2019
2017 Public Awareness Survey August 2018
2017 ARC PIE Workshop Attendance and Surveys March 2018
2017 ARC PIE Newsletter Articles and Ad Graphics March 2018
2017 Wayne County Green Schools Report March 2018
2016 Great Lakes Restoration Celebration book October 2016
2014 Wayne County Green Schools Report March 2015
2013 Wayne County's Green Schools Report February 2014
2013 ARC Trees for Green Schools Report November 2013
2013 FOTR Annual Report January 2014
2013 Great Lakes Restoration Celebration book October 18, 2013
Waterfront Wisdon, Healthy Habits for Clean Water in the Rouge Watershed July 2012
Maintaining Your Detention Pond: A Guidebook for Private Owners in Southeast Michigan 2009
Public Participation Plan May 2008
2012 FOTR Annual Report January 2013
2012 ARC Green Schools Summary January 2013
2011 ARC Green Schools Summary November 2011
2009 FOTR Program Review Survey March, 2010
ARC Bookmark May 2011
Resource Recovery Guide - A Citizen's Guide for Recycling and Household Hazardous Waste Disposal 2008
Measuring Our Success Poster: Main 3-4 Subwatershed 2008
Measuring Our Success Poster: Lower 1 Subwatershed 2007
Measuring Our Success Poster: Lower 2 Subwatershed 2007
Measuring Our Success Poster: Middle 3 Subwatershed 2006
Measuring Our Success Poster: Middle 1 Subwatershed 2006
Maintaining Your Detention Basin - A Guidebook for Private Owners in Southeast Michigan 2009
Measuring Our Success Poster: Upper Subwatershed 2005
Measuring Our Success Poster: Main 1-2 Subwatershed 2005

Copyright © 2020 Alliance of Rouge Communities | All rights reserved

Phone | 734-768-2180 | 46036 Michigan Ave., Suite 126 | Canton, Michigan 48188