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Merriman Hollow Park Restoration

In 2023 the Alliance of Rouge Communities (ARC) received grant funding from the USEPA GLRI to design habitat restoration at Merriman Hollow Park and Wallaceville Park within the Rouge River Watershed. The Rouge River watershed is a designated Area of Concern (AOC) under the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (GLWQA) and has three Beneficial Use Impairments (BUIs) associated with fish and wildlife habitat: Degraded Fish and Wildlife Populations, Degradation of Benthos, and Loss of Fish and Wildlife Habitat. The Rouge River Advisory Council (RRAC), the Public Advisory Council (PAC) for the Rouge AOC, in March 2016 approved a list of projects that need to be completed to remove the Rouge AOC habitat BUIs. As part of that list, habitat restoration at Wayne County’s Merriman Hollow Park and Wallaceville Park were considered as having a significant impact on the removal of the BUIs.

As water quality in the Rouge River continues to improve, this project will build on past efforts to restore some of the damage done during the last century. Tributaries of the Rouge River have suffered from loss and impairment of aquatic habitat and increased frequency and magnitude of flood flows, primarily due to increasing urbanization within the watershed. The flat river slope and the meandering channel cannot pass the large flows associated with rain events. Upstream urbanization continues to exacerbate this problem as runoff from increased flooding within the river system,bank erosion, and continued habitat degradation.

Funding and Parnters

This project was funded by the U. S. EPA Great Lakes National Program Office as part of an approximately $365,000 Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) grant to the Alliance of Rouge Communities for design at Merriman Hollow Park and Wallaceville Park in 2023 (Grant # GL-00E03452-0). Partners in this project include the U.S. EPA, GLRI, ARC, and Wayne County Parks

Where and When

Merriman Hollow Park, part of the Wayne County Parks system, is located in the City of Westland along Hines Drive and the Middle Rouge River. Project design began in 2023.

Anticipated Outcomes

Removal of invasive plants Coverting mowed lawn to wetland/wet prairie Grading site to provide various emergent habitats within the wetland Incorporating native plants and shrubs as well as seeding native wildflowers and grasses into designated areas

Photo History of Project:

Conditions Before Restoration

current conditions of mowed turf north of Hines Drive facing south

most of the wooded areas on site have similar
distribution of woody invasives and thick understory

existing swale that is adjacent to the Rouge River


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Phone | 734-768-2180

46036 Michigan Ave., Suite 126 | Canton, Michigan 48188